So I know it's been a while since my last post. There wasn't much going on in the garden yet, and I have been very busy doing a couple different shows. Currently I'm working on As You Like It, which opens in April, but it's only four nights a week so it's less stressful than Chicago was. :)
Anyway - I bought stuff for the garden today! I went over to Lowe's and picked up two self-watering containers for my beets and my carrots, and then one long skinny one for my lettuce. I also got some bags of potting soil mix. They had very few vegetables and herbs, and the #1 herb I require is catnip, so off I went over to Jesse Israel and Sons over at the Farmer's Market. There I picked up two small-ish catnip plants and a good looking rosemary. I also really want some basil, but they didn't have any yet. I know I'm early for this stuff, but it's been so warm and I have friends in WNC who are already planting outside and have more experience than I do, so I figured what the heck.
I came home and first I planted my catnip and rosemary. I reused pots I had previously for these two, both because it was cheaper and because herbs do better in non-self watering pots. The plan is to have a huge thing of catnip for the kitties. Usually I buy catnip every year and Lando especially gets used to getting fresh catnip whenever I go out onto the porch. Maybe since I've actually potted it this year, it will grow and I'll get to keep it over the winter.
Here is my catnip and rosemary -
Then I put potting soil in my three new containers and planted my seeds for the beets, carrots, and lettuce. I also have cucumber seeds but everything I've read said to wait on those, so I'm holding back for now. I hope I can get the cucumber vines to trellis up the railing, which I think would be cool. I also want to buy a tomato plant and a big self-watering pot for the tomato plant, but I'm waiting on that one too. I *also* really want to get like a big barrel or something and try some potatoes. :) But maybe next year. I dunno.
Here's my seeds, all planted and ready to grow!
So yeah! I will keep an eye on things and let everyone know how it is going! And then maybe in April I'll plant my cucumbers and pick up a tomato plant. I'll start getting my weekly CSA in May, I got an email the other day from the farm that said they had started planting too, so here we go!
I can give you a basil plant! Assuming my seedlings don't all die on me. I usually have good luck with basil, so....I'll let you know in a couple of weeks how they're doing!