Monday, March 26, 2012

carrot sprouts!

I have carrots!!!

And here is the bread I baked yesterday!  Yum!  :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

bonus video!

Here is a video I shot on the one day it snowed in Asheville this year of the kitties going berserk over another bird.  Elly chitters in the first part of this one - and at the end, the bird flies right up to the camera!


Things are growing!  The weather got a little colder this weekend, but I've been keeping an eye on it and so far we haven't gone below 45 at night.  And during the day it's been in the 70's, though today was colder.  Anyway, I have stuff growing!  No sign of the carrots yet, but my beets and lettuce mix are sprouting!

Tiny lettuce leaves -

I also have beet sprouts -

I am still waiting on carrots; I think I may have planted them too deep but I'll give them another week or so to see.  I am planning on going to Lowe's again in April and picking up another container for my cucumbers and a big one for tomatoes and then going to buy a tomato plant or two.

Tonight I baked bread for the first time - I used a recipe I found here that I dug up via Pinterest.  I took before photos with the full intention of blogging about it, but when it came out of the oven I was so excited that I dug in immediately and didn't take any "after" shots!   I also made a variation on a lentil soup recipe I also found via Pinterest (here) which is a "mushroom and lentil" soup but mine was really more a potato and lentil soup.  I didn't have any mushrooms nor any red wine (sob!) so basically I just put in potatoes instead and also omitted the tomatoes, swiss chard, and onion and used a veggie stock as a base vs. just water.  Yeah, so maybe I just used the recipe as a starting point.  :P  It came out really good, I'm not sure if it was the veggie stock, the dill, or the bay leaves?  I will probably make this again this summer in another attempt to like swiss chard.  I got a lot of it in my CSA box last year, and I dunno what I was doing wrong but it never came out well.  It always tasted bitter and gross.  So maybe if I throw it in some soup with some mushrooms it will redeem itself.  Mushrooms redeem anything, in my opinion.

I have been hoping to blog more than once a week, but I am still in rehearsal for As You Like It and often that and work is about all I can get done Monday-Friday.  I have more down time between work and rehearsal for this show (rehearsal doesn't start until 7, most of my previous shows have been at 6:30) but I use the down time to cook dinner/eat dinner/feed cats/knit and then I don't get home until after 10 pm.  I am about three-fourths done with my second sock ever, so soon I will have a matching pair!  But after As You Like It opens, I have no shows lined up until Richard II starts rehearsal sometime in July, so maybe there will be more-than-weekly blog entries in May and June!  :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

here we go!

So I know it's been a while since my last post.  There wasn't much going on in the garden yet, and I have been very busy doing a couple different shows.  Currently I'm working on As You Like It, which opens in April, but it's only four nights a week so it's less stressful than Chicago was.  :)

Anyway - I bought stuff for the garden today!  I went over to Lowe's and picked up two self-watering containers for my beets and my carrots, and then one long skinny one for my lettuce.  I also got some bags of potting soil mix.  They had very few vegetables and herbs, and the #1 herb I require is catnip, so off I went over to Jesse Israel and Sons over at the Farmer's Market.  There I picked up two small-ish catnip plants and a good looking rosemary.  I also really want some basil, but they didn't have any yet.  I know I'm early for this stuff, but it's been so warm and I have friends in WNC who are already planting outside and have more experience than I do, so I figured what the heck.

I came home and first I planted my catnip and rosemary.  I reused pots I had previously for these two, both because it was cheaper and because herbs do better in non-self watering pots.  The plan is to have a huge thing of catnip for the kitties.  Usually I buy catnip every year and Lando especially gets used to getting fresh catnip whenever I go out onto the porch.  Maybe since I've actually potted it this year, it will grow and I'll get to keep it over the winter.

Here is my catnip and rosemary -

Then I put potting soil in my three new containers and planted my seeds for the beets, carrots, and lettuce.  I also have cucumber seeds but everything I've read said to wait on those, so I'm holding back for now.  I hope I can get the cucumber vines to trellis up the railing, which I think would be cool.  I also want to buy a tomato plant and a big self-watering pot for the tomato plant, but I'm waiting on that one too.  I *also* really want to get like a big barrel or something and try some potatoes.  :)  But maybe next year.  I dunno.

Here's my seeds, all planted and ready to grow!

So  yeah!  I will keep an eye on things and let everyone know how it is going!  And then maybe in April I'll plant my cucumbers and pick up a tomato plant.  I'll start getting my weekly CSA in May, I got an email the other day from the farm that said they had started planting too, so here we go!
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