Wednesday, December 28, 2011

a beginning

So - a blog!

I've been thinking about doing a blog for a while now.  A friend of mine mentioned it to me again recently, and I decided to take the plunge.

There are a lot of things I'm interested in and that I'll probably talk about on here, but primarily I want to document my attempt to do some gardening on my 40 square foot condo balcony in 2012.

Primarily, I want to get either a cold frame or a mini greenhouse for my balcony.  My balcony faces east with a decent southern exposure as well, so I think something that would have a little protection for the plants would be useful.

I want to grow lettuce, green onions, and beets.  I'm also interested in trying potatoes, basil, and carrots to see what I can pull off.  In years past I've had a basil plant or two but I can never seem to keep them alive very long.

I'll also be doing a CSA again this year and want to learn more about canning and food preserving so I can still save and eat later the things I don't get to every week - even with a half share, excess food was a problem in 2011!

Come join me on my journey!  :)

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